ID Photo Pro CD Update


What is it :

ID Photos Pro 8 it’s a professional software designed for quick and automatic ID photos processing (e.g. Passport, Visa etc.) in compliance with ICAO and local regulations.

Built-in database with over 280 ID formats for more than 87 countries puts ID Photos Pro 8 at the top of its class.


GDPR Assistant

As from version 8.3, ID Photos Pro gained new functions supporting GDPR compliance, including dedicated GDPR Assistant. Assistant regularly controls and recommends optimal software security settings.

ID Photos Pro is a locally installed software. It does not automatically send photos and process images for the purpose of identifying a natural person. Furthermore, it does not record the so called biometric points. Using ID Photos Pro is secure and does not require obtaining customer’s consent to use it to process his photos. With settings recommended by the GDPR Assistant, it is fully compliant with the provisions of the Regulation.

Secure Cloud Storage

Secure Cloud Storage (SCS) is the new GDPR-compliant service dedicated to ID Photos Pro*, for a quick transfer of all ID formats to the client. It allows to avoid definitely less secure and disputable, in terms of GDPR, options like sending photos via email or saving them on pen drives or CDs.

Sending a photo to SCS generates a unique secure Photo Code with which the client can download their image on their own computer or even smartphone.

In addition, SCS can deliver a UK ePassport format with the so called ”Photo Code”, allowing to apply for a British passport directly on the government page

* Additionaly paid service

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